November 23, 2017 November 23, 2017The ‘Thanks’ & ‘Giving’ of Consumer Legal FundingWhen I sat down to contemplate the real meaning of Thanksgiving, I realized the holiday means so many different things to different people. Personally, and for […]
January 5, 2018 January 5, 2018Gain Momentum with Small 2018 ResolutionsBy Violette Bishai. The New Year is traditionally, a time to reflect on the past year and make important changes as you see fit. It is […]
April 17, 2018 April 17, 2018You Think it Won’t Happen to You – Until it DoesBy Violette Bishai. “It was just a quick call” “just running late, had to put my makeup on in the car” “Just a catchy billboard, had […]
June 7, 2018 June 7, 2018How Does She Do it? Life Hacks from Female FoundersBy Violette Bishai – interview with Elizabeth Pekin, Esq. & Elisa Moss. When combing the internet, there seems to be a plethora of what is known […]